Friday, 26 August 2011

Things are suddenly looking brighter!

I know this sounds weird as the weather outside is miserable, but it's like someone has shown me the path to take to the 'light' - moving away from the grey, worried, stressed world that I've been inhabiting since Easter.

I think the holiday did me the world of good. Having time to actually DO things, rather than flit around the house, kind of looking after little man and trying to do things like the bread baking, when I the energy!

All of a sudden, I'm no longer dreading going to interviews - I've actually had some now and they haven't been that bad : ) I have one later on today and I'm actually looking forward to it (how weird is that??) If they don't like me, then it's obviously not meant to be! It's like my fate vibe has been activated - what will be will be and all that!

I'm no longer really tired all the time - I mean compared to how I was a few weeks back. I'm finding more things to feel happy about and smiling a laughing much more like I used to :)

Mantra for today: you never know what might happen, so smile and make the most of it ;)


  1. What a lovely positive post! I haven't read any of your other posts yet, but I love reading about people coming 'out the other side' from depression. It gives me hope. - Off to read some of your other posts.


  2. Aw thank you!
    Hope is a very important thing to try and find, as once you have it, you don't ever want to let go!
    I'm going to go and read your blog now :)


I welcome all comments, and will always reply as soon as I can! xxx