Monday, 2 April 2012

Listography: April Goals

The lovely Kate over at Kate takes 5 has given us another great theme this week - 5 goals for April.
It reminded me that all that time ago, I made some goals at the end of 2011. This has been great reminder to see how I'm actually doing - and to get my butt into gear on making my dreams and goals a reality!

1. I am going to make a really big effort with my business 'Happy Crafting'. I have been making a few cards over the last few days, but I think I can do better! I aim to make at least one bag and maybe 10 cards a week  to start with, then see how I go from there.

2. I will get an exercise routing going! I was really excited about the idea that I might be able to join in a Zumba class with a friend, but I've now got an extra shift that night of the week. However, she does do a Boxercise class, maybe I should sign up for that instead??
Me and my Wii fit will be getting re-acquainted as soon as possible!! Maybe I'll manage a session this evening, when Little man has gone to sleep??

3. Have an outing with Little man at least once a week. I've been getting much better at trying to do things with Little man outside of the house / garden! We've been to our local lakes, out for a family lunch and to the local park. I just need to keep doing something with him, as else I feel terribly guilty when he is stuck at home all the time - not that he minds (as long as he can make castles in his sand box / table thingy!) I just want to give him lots of different experiences, before he goes off to Pre-school in September! I'm liking the idea of Geocashing, and possibly swimming with friends and their kids, with more trips to the lakes and parks too. If anyone has any other cheap / free suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

4. Remain positive now that we're trying for baby 2. It took us 2 1/2 years for me to fall pregnant with Little man. Now that I'm in a new job, feeling loads better and less stressed, I hope that it won't take that long again! I know not to stress too much about it and that it will happen when it's supposed to, so I'm aiming to remain positive and keep my faith that number 2 will arrive soon! (fingers crossed!)

5. Get a house cleaning system sorted ! We've been living back with my parents for 1 1/2 years now and in that time I have been really really poorly. However, now that I am better it's time for me to pull my weight more with the chores - so I have been doing the hoovering of late. I think I'll become the 'cleaner' of the house, so that my mum only then has to do the cooking (I'm exceptionally bad at cooking!!) and we share the washing duties!!

Well there we go - still some of the same goals I had to start 2012, but a great time to get a reminder and another 'kick-start' that I needed!

Right, I'm off to have a little look at some other people's April goals!


  1. Getting out more is another thing I need to do with my children, reading everyone's lists is making me glad we only have to write five things! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too that baby 2 will arrive soon x

    1. Aww thank you!
      Having read everyone's lists as well, I keep thinking of other things I could add to my list too!!

  2. Hey, thanks for stopping by :) The 30 day shred is a ridiculously hard workout dvd- I've only ever managed 3 days haha- need to give it another go! Fingers crossed baby number 2 will be on the way soon!! xx

    1. Aww thank you!
      Really good luck with the 30 Day Shred - sounds brutal!!

  3. ah lovely list. We all need fitness it would seem! Good luck with baby number 2.fingers crossed for good news x

  4. When I see moms and their minivans, wondered what must be next on their check list! I have never been one though, Sure life must be hectic. But then there is so much joy in giving, and in giving we receive. Thanks for being and giving as moms. God bless!

    1. Thank you - my thoughts exactly about the joys of giving!
      God bless you too!

  5. What a great list! I don't know what I would do without the wii especially during the monsoon! I so feel you on the TTC # 2. It took us four years to have Miss 2 and this is the last year I feel confident to keep trying. I will keep my fingers crossed for the both of us!

    1. Aww thank you!
      I love my Wii - it means I can exercise in the living room, where no one else can see me! heehee

  6. Great list and will keep fingers crossed for number 4 x

  7. I love your list, especially no.s 3 & 4 as these are things at the forefront of my mind too. Good luck with the exercise routine and your business!

    1. Thank you!
      Isn't it funny how many of us have the same goals!

  8. Very admirable goals. It's good to keep things do-able, and totally agree about the getting out more - it actually gives you the energy to tackle the other stuff too. Good luck. xx

    1. Thank you!
      I need to keep reminding myself that the more I do, the less tired I will feel - sounds weird but it's true!


I welcome all comments, and will always reply as soon as I can! xxx