Thursday, 1 September 2011

What a difference a day makes!

Today has been super busy but so much better than yesterday!
I had an interview at 9.30 - which I prob didn't get as she was going to let me know today and hasn't - oh well!
At 11 I had my first session of psychology and it was BRILLIANT! My psychologist couldn't believe how well I am doing! I am apparently doing loads of techniques (like allowing myself a 'crappy' day yesterday) and my positive outlook on things, and she said that usually these take loads of sessions to teach and even then some don't manage to get it, and I've started it all on my own!! I have no idea how or why but as am doing well, am not going to worry about it!
Then I went to visit my friend H who I haven't seen in AGES! She is going to be a granny in January - sooo exciting!
To end a brilliant day I had a surprise visit from another friend L, who I haven't seen in ages either and she gave me a cool gift of a cake called 'Herman' who is a 'living' sourdough cake that you take care of and gradually 'feed' (add ingredients) then you split it into 4, bake one yourself and give 3 to 3 friends and it caries on! I thought it was such a cute idea and am going to lovingly care for Herman for the next 2 weeks until I can make him into a lovely cake : )

Little man has had a nasty shock of a night! I was talking to Z his childminder about the problems we had yesterday with him not going to sleep until 9/10 because the side of the cot is off and he can get out. She suggested that we put a stair gate across the doorway to his room - so we did!! He went to be just after 7 and finally stopped yelling at 8.15! I popped in once around 7.30 to encourage him to sleep and make his bed again, and retrieve 'dodo' (his dummy that he had launched into the landing) and left him to it. I popped back in at 8.15, gave him a cuddle and tucked him into bed and haven't heard a peep since : )
I felt sooo mean just letting him yell, but everyone said that it will be worth it in the end!!

Tomorrow is the BIG wedding!! Hubby's brother is getting married and little man is going to be a page boy and hubby is going to ush! Am sooo excited!!
Pictures will follow : )

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you too!
    I'll post the 'letter' thingy for you, though not sure how to start it off?? WIll figure it out ;)


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