Monday, 12 November 2012

The Ups and Downs of this pregnancy!

Well, again it has been an absolute age since I last had my last blog - bad me!
The pregnancy is going to take the blame for this though, as it has been very hard!

I don't remember it being quite as hard as this when I was pregnant with Little Man, but I suppose that time I was sick for 17 weeks and didn't have a 3 year old to look after at the same time ;)

I always get the bad bits over first and end with the good, so here are the more negative aspects of my pregnancy this time!

The Downs:
I am soooo tired all the time! Yet I don't manage to sleep at night :(
This is due to the amount of times I need to drag myself to the loo, and that I am soooo huge (hubby has already compared me to a beached whale!) that it is really uncomfy trying to sleep on my sides - especially with trying to heave myself from one side to the other - I have never been able to sleep in one position ;)

I have had 2 trips to the hospital with bleeds, which have been really scary! (especially as I had the miscarriage last Christmas!)
The first turned out to be an infection, and the second was just 'one of those things'!

I now have gestational diabetes :( :( :(
This means that I have had to get used to stabbing my finger 2x a day, plus extra blood tests :(
On the plus side of this thought, my fear of needles is not as bad as before! :)

My depression has been a complete nightmare!
I have had suicidal thoughts (thankfully they passed quickly!!), nights of crying myself to sleep, terribly low mood and feelings of self-loathing, worthlessness and that I have no future to look forward to! The crowning low point had to be when I was feeling ill and depressed and I told hubby that I wanted him to move in with his parents as I was feeling neglected!!

Phew, that's done now! onto the better bits!!

The Ups!
My family have been amazing at helping me look after Little Man when I couldn't, and giving me all the love and support I needed through the tougher times!

Little Man has had some lovely moments lately! Firstly in sorting through his toys (we've never sold any of them!) to give some to the baby - which was sooo cute!
Secondly all the little kisses and chats he's had with baby - which is (according to him) in my tummy button!!

On the good days, I have managed to do some chores and jobs round the house - washing, hoovering and the dishwasher. It might not seem a lot, but I was finally happy at being able to help, as I know mum and hubby have been taking the strain more, as I've been so bad.
We have also had a massive tidy up of Little Man's toys, which were getting everywhere!! They are now all in his bedroom, except for one 4 drawer stack and a box of his Lego in the living room! His room may now look like a tip, but the rest of the house is much better! :)

We've still had some great family times!
Little man has been really creative lately. We've made pictures with stickers; cards for mum, hubby and grandad with his 'snipping' and sticking scrap card and salt dough models which we then painted!
We've been playing more games too! Loads of role play with his cars (his favourite thing at the moment) plus playing with a game I found in a charity shop 'Shopping List' by Orchard toys - which he loves!!
We've managed shopping trips (for pressies), 3 birthday parties and trips to the lakes :)

Finally, I am really happy that I have nearly done all of our Christmas shopping!! (only 3 left to get!)
Although baby is due on 28th Dec, for some reason I am convinced that s/he will be early, so I'm being prepared ;)

So there you have it, the good and bad of my pregnancy this time round!
I had to save the best thing for last;
I'm finally nearly there!!! 33 weeks and counting :)

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